Scale, importance, and relevance to companies of mental stress at work

Project No. BGAG 7600100609


completed 12/2004


The increase in mental stress and its potentially negative influence upon health is a topic of discussion among the wider public, and increasingly also among OH&S professionals. The evidence found in the specialist literature is however not entirely clear. For this reason, the IGA initiative on health and work has conducted a study into how OH&S experts assess the subject of "mental stress". An online survey was developed, i.e. a survey accessible over the Internet, for consultation of OH&S experts (safety professionals, safety inspectors, company physicians, health promoters, and scientific experts, in particular psychologists). The in-plant OH&S experts were targeted in particular, i.e. the safety professionals, safety inspectors, and company physicians. The experts were to answer the questions in the light of their professional experience.


The survey was conducted among safety professionals, labour inspectors, company physicians, and researchers (particularly psychologists).


The results show that the OH&S experts surveyed consider the subject of mental stress/strain to be highly relevant. Mental strain arises in particular in the areas of "work organization" and "social interaction". Positive effects of mental stress at work are however also observed. The results of the study were published in IGA report No. 5.

Last Update:

26 Apr 2005


Financed by:
  • Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG)
  • BKK Bundesverband
Research institution(s):
  • Teilprojekt der Initiative Arbeit und Gesundheit
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut Arbeit und Gesundheit - BGAG
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz - BGIA
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliche Zentrale für Sicherheit und Gesundheit - BGZ

-cross sectoral-

Type of hazard:

Psychische Belastungen, Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren


Psychische Beanspruchung/Belastung, Psycho-soziale Risikofaktoren, Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und Störungen

Description, key words:

Quality and scale of mental stress in day-to-day company operations, relationships between mental stress and employee health
